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作者:学历在线网 来源:学历在线网 上传时间:2019-12-10 18:27:36

  A. Section B

  Directions: In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it. The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D Choose the best answer and mark your

  answer on the Answer Sheet.

  In 2003, I was told by a restaurant owner on a Thai island that local fishermen used to wrap their lunch in banana leaves, which they would then casually toss overboard when done. That was OK, because the leaves decayed and the fish ate them all. But in the past decade, he said, plastic wrap had rapidly replaced banana leaves, so the beach was edged with a crust of plastic.

  This is a worldwide problem—we can’t point the finger at Thai fishermen. The UK alone produces more than 170m tons of waste every year, much of it food packaging. Now we live in an absurd age where a packet of cookies can have seven layers of wrapping. While it has revolutionized the way we store and consume food, there is now so much of it that landfills(垃圾填埋场)can’t cope. Some of it is poisonous, and some of it never degrades. It can take 450 years for some types of plastic bottle to break down. Indeed, as Rachelle Strauss of the UK’s Zero Waste Week says, we never actually throw anything “away”—it’s really just put somewhere else.

  It’s easy to say despair at the scale of handing the plastic wrap, but it isn’ t beyond humanity to solve it—look at how the world took action on CFCs(含氯氟烃): there are signs that the hole in the ozone layer is now closing. Food packaging ought to be a doddle.

  Comment 1:

  While as an individual I can do my best to avoid excessive packaging, it is really only government regulation that can force corporation to change their practices. Comment 2:

  I never understand why supermarket chains insist on covering products such as bananas and cucumbers in plastic wrap. Why? They have their own packaging—the skin or peel! Comment 3:

  I love packaging—if it’s well designed of course. It helps us be more hygienic and practical. The solution to these packaging necessities is clearly to encourage the use of bio-degradable packaging.

  Comment 4:

  Before, everything we threw out was bio-degradable and now it’s not. Guess it’ s hard to change that behavior overnight.

  11. What is the author’s view on the plastic problem in Thailand?

  A. The problem is not unique to Thailand.

  B. There is no point overreacting to the problem.

  C. It is important to raise people’s awareness.

  D. The government should be held responsible.

  12. “A package of cookies” is mentioned in Paragraph 2 to .

  A. illustrate the problem of excessive packaging

  B. introduce the revolutionary way of packaging

  C. review the gradual development of packaging

  D. emphasize the necessity of food packaging

  13. The word “doddle” (Para.3) probably means “something ”.

  A. no longer useful C. beyond imagination

  B. extremely difficult D. easily accomplished

  14. Which of the comments is positive about packaging?

  A. Comment 1 B. Comment 2 C. Comment 3 D. Comment 4

  15. Which of the following comments point out ways to solve over-packaging?

  A. Comment 1 and 2. B. Comment 1 and 3.

  C. Comment 2 and 4. D. Comment 3 and 4.

  Section B

  【文章介绍】本文主要讲述了伦敦市长在 SXSW 科技文化大会上针对科技公司的监管提出了自己的意见。他认为,科技公司对社会影响面大,因此政府和监督机构必须合作,共同解决网络上出现的问题。对于市长的发言,有 4 条不同的评论。

  12. 【答案】A


  【解析】本题问的是第二段的 dereliction 是什么意思。

  根据第二段第二句可知,过去几年最大的问题是在科技革命发生时,政客和政府都很消极,且是一种袖手旁观的态度。因此此题选 A 项“有意忽视”。

  【误项排除】B 项“潜在滥用”,C 项“持续的错误判断”,D 项“明显误解”,这三项不符合题意。

  13. 【答案】D



  博客最后一段,汗强调如果公司不能回应政府的担忧,他警示将有可能制定更严厉的监管措施。因此选 D 项“产业的自我监管”。

  【误项排除】A 项“严厉的英国制度”,B 项“德式的监管法律”,C 项“政府和行业合作”,这三项不符合题意。

  14. 【答案】B


  【解析】本题问的是评论 1 中,传播错误消息谁应受到责问。

  根据评论 1 可知,从“行业监管”的角度来看,这是有缺陷的。这个问题的核心是个人,是他们选择是否“上传”。强调个人的重要性,因此选 B 项“个人”。

  【误项排除】A 项“公司”,C 项“政府官员”,D 项“企业领导”,这三项不符合题意。

  15. 【答案】C



  根据评论 4 可知,没有严厉的监管约束,自我监管永远不会起作用。因此选 C 项“评论 4”。

  【误项排除】A 项“评论 2”,B 项“评论 3”,D 项“评论 5”这三项不符合题意。 45.【答案】D



  根据文章可知,汗认为科技公司对于世界是重要的,但需要监管。结合评论可知, 评论 4 认为科技公司会推动收益和利润,但没有监管,自我监管不起作用。评论 5 认为科技演变是有益的,但不能预测未知的结果,因此选 D 项“评论 3 和 5”。

  【误项排除】A 项“评论 1 和 4”,B 项“评论 2 和 3”,C 项“评论 4 和 5”,这三项不符合题意。


  在奥斯汀举办的 SXSW 科技文化大会上,伦敦市长萨迪 · 汗批判了大型科技公司和监管机构,他们没能阻止网络上仇恨、错误消息和激进观点的传播。



  在欧洲,社交媒体公司现已面临新的监管压力。这归功于德国今年 1 月颁布的法律,

  该项法律将对报道出现问题且没有在 24 小时内撤销的公司处以罚款。


  评论 1:


  评论 2:


  评论 3:


  评论 4:


  评论 5:

  通过演变,信息与通讯科技(ICT)总体被认为是有益的,它推动了进步和共同利益。但是 ICT 并没有预测到不断发展的产业会如何产生未知的后果。ICT 是时候提升了。
