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2018年全国同等学力申硕英语真题Passage One

作者:学历在线网 来源:学历在线网 上传时间:2019-12-10 18:27:36

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

  Passage One

  Under the right circumstances, choosing to spend time alone can be a huge psychological blessing. In the 1980s, the Italian journalist and author Tiziano Terzani, after many years of reporting across Asia, holed himself up in a cabin in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. “For a month I had no one to talk to except my dog Baoli,” he wrote in his book A Fortune Teller Told Me. Terzani passed the time with books, observing nature, “listening to the winds in the trees, watching butterflies, enjoying silence.” For the first time in a long while he felt free from the unending anxieties of daily life: “At last I had time to have time.”

  Terzani ’ s embrace of isolation was relatively unusual: humans have long considered solitude an inconvenience, something to avoid, a punishment, a realm of loners. Science has often associated it with negative outcomes. Freud, who linked solitude with anxiety, noted that, “ in children the first fears relating to situations are those of darkness and solitude.” John Cacioppo, a modern social neuro-scientist who has extensively studied loneliness—what he calls “chronic

  perceived isolation”—contends that, beyond damaging our thinking powers, isolation can even harm our physical health. But increasingly scientists are approaching solitude as something that, when pursued by choice, can prove a therapy.

  This is especially true in times of personal disorder, when the instinct is often for people to reach outside of themselves for support. “ When people are experiencing crisis it’ s not always just about you: It’ s about how you are in society,” explains Jack Fong, a sociologist at California State Polytechnic University who has studied solitude.

  In other words, when people remove themselves from the social context of their lives, they are better able to see how they’re shaped by that context. Thomas Merton, a monk and writer who spent years alone, held a similar notion. “We cannot see things in perspective until we cease to hug them to our breast,”he writes in Thoughts in Solitude. “People can go for a walk or listen to music and feel that they are deeply in touch with themselves.”

  11. Tiziano Terzani spent a month alone to .

  A. embrace isolation B. study butterflies

  C. write a book D. look after his dog

  12. The word “solitude” (Para.2) is closest in meaning to “ ’’.

  A. growing anxious C. being helpless

  B. feeling empty D. staying alone

  13. The opinions of Freud and Cacioppo are cited to show that .

  A. children tend to fear darkness and solitude

  B. solitude pursued by choice can be a therapy.

  C. chronic isolation can harm interpersonal relations

  D. solitude has long been linked with negative outcomes.

  14. According to Jack Fong, the sense of personal crisis may be influenced by


  A. an isolated lifestyle B. mental disorder

  C. low self-esteem D. social context

  15. The main idea of the passage is that .

  A. solitude should be avoided at all costs.

  B. anxieties of daily life may cause personal crisis

  C. choosing to spend time alone can be a blessing

  D. seeking support is useless for tackling personal crisis.

  Part III Reading Comprehension Section A

  Passage One



  12. 【答案】D



  文章第一段主要描述了在野外旅行中,爱丽丝发现在导游发言时,男生都挤在前面积极回应,而女生则在后面倾听。这一现象困扰着爱丽丝,因此此题选 D 项“女生的反应不如男孩子积极”。

  【误项排除】A 项“导游对女生不礼貌”,B 项“男生比女生多”,C 项“导游说话


  13. 【答案】C



  文章第二段描述了爱丽丝不举手的缘由,第三段爱丽丝跟她妈妈讨论了女生不举手的原因:人们常常教导女生要文静礼貌,男生要大胆坚定。这造成了许多女生不举手的现象。因此选 C 项“被教导要文静礼貌”。

  【误项排除】A 项“完全不知道答案”,B 项“不想引起太多的关注”,D 项“获得的机会比男生要少”,这三项不符合题意。

  14. 【答案】A



  根据题干,定位到第五段,本段描述了为了获得该徽章,女生要做的三件事,都是鼓励女生要敢于发言,说出自己的感受等。因此选 A 项“鼓励女生发言”。

  【误项排除】B 项“为机构提升女生的才能”,C 项“呼吁对女生更多的支持”,D项“强调女生的重要性”这三项不符合题意。

  15. 【答案】D


  【解析】本题问的是“举手” 徽章是什么。

  根据文章最后一段论述,已有 5400 多名女孩获得了“举手”徽章。她们来自于美国的各个州,还有的来自加拿大、英国、澳大利亚和爱尔兰。所以选 D 项“吸引了数以千计的女生”。

  【误项排除】A 项“帮助女生成为领袖”,B 项“在美国的一些州受欢迎”,C 项“传播到整个世界”,这三项不符合题意。

  16. 【答案】B




  讨出其深层原因是女生应当要文静礼貌,男生要大胆坚定。但爱丽丝不认同,觉得女生是强大的,其想法也是重要的,女生应当有相同的发言机会。于是创建了其团队及通过女童子军组织创建了“举手”徽章,鼓励女生积极发言,该活动赢得了全美国人的关注。所以选 B 项“争取平等运动”。

  【误项排除】A 项“展示双手”,C 选项“女童子军组织”,D 项“新徽章的故事”,这三项不符合题意。



  10 岁的爱丽丝不经常在课堂上举手,即使她对答案很肯定。她紧张自己会出错并感到尴尬。在那次户外活动中,她觉得其他女生也很可能跟她一样保持安静。


  爱丽丝的妈妈是华盛顿地区女童子军的领导。她和爱丽丝在之后的女童子军会议上提出了这件事。爱丽丝发现她是对的。其她女孩说她们也有时会犹豫着举手,她们担心这样做会使她们在生活中变得畏缩不前。爱丽丝想改变这种状况。“假如女生举 手了,这是迈出成功的第一步。”她说道。

  爱丽丝的团队决定请求女童子军组织创建一个新的徽章。该徽章在 2017 年 10 月被采用,它叫“举手”徽章。为了获得该徽章,女生们需要做三件事。一是当她知道答案,即使不能百分之百地确定,她必须在班上举手。二是她必须招募三位女生做出同样的承诺。三是她必须说出她举手时的感受。

  到目前为止,已有 5400 多名女生获得了“举手”徽章。她们来自于美国的各个州, 还有的来自加拿大、英国、澳大利亚和爱尔兰。“女生们非常强大,”爱丽丝说。“她们应该举起她们的手,这样才能释放出她们内在的力量。”
